August 14-17
Conference 2019 “Science, Theology and the Turin Shroud” was held in
Ancaster (Canada).

Kevin E. Moran (1934 - 2019) of Chicago, Illinois,
passed away on March 27th, 2019. He was a "Renaissance man", truly
multi-gifted by God. In his life he worked in many areas and his first patent
in 1960 was only the beginning of a total of 18 patents in his career. He
built cars, boats, telescopes, windmills, optical systems and laboratory
equipments. His most inspiring research though was for the Shroud of Turin,
where his abilities were challenged and his belief strengthened. Working on
the Shroud brought him great delight as his love of engineering, science,
optics, history and faith came together as he worked with people from all over
the world. (www.mcleanfuneral.com/obituaries/Kevin-Edward-Moran?obld=4262206#/obituaryInfo,
March 27, 2019)