Taizé: New Year's Day meeting of European youth postponed to December 2021
- On
Wednesday 12 August 2020 it was announced that the "Pilgrimage of Trust on
Earth" of European youth would be held in Turin between Christmas 2021 and New
Year's Day 2022. Over these days of pandemic, the promoters of the meeting
have kept in touch and continued to exchange views with each other and the
Taizé community, in the hope of getting the pilgrimage organised by December
2020. Now they have all agreed to postpone the event. The New Year's Day event
is one of those initiatives that have come about within the framework of
Turin's ecumenical commitment. The first invitation was made in 2017 and
signed by the leaders of several Churches (Waldensian, Baptist, Rumanian
Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran, Adventist) together with archbishop Cesare
Nosiglia and the heads of the ecumenical commissions of the Catholic and
Evangelical Lutheran Churches, the Secretariat of Ecumenical Activities and
young people of Taizé related groups. The uncertainty on the progress of the
pandemic now and over the next few months is an important element, but not the
only one. Another factor that weighs on the decision is the need to ensure
that the youth pilgrimage is held in safe and serene conditions for everyone,
right because it will be a meeting with the whole city and its territory.
Young people will be hosted by families in Turin and Piedmont, they will visit
our museums, meet people and communities of the whole Turin area. Their
reflection and prayer meetings as well as the moments of contemplation spent
before the Shroud - by those who will wish - will become part of the life of
the entire city. Anyway, time has not at all been wasted so far: contacts and
commitments have been made in view of the pilgrimage, hosting facilities and
premises have been found and the complex logistic machine requiring the
reception of 20,000 people in a few days has started to be studied. The
Christian communities involved, in collaboration with the City of Turin and
the Piedmont Region, continue on the preparation path, which entails
organizing the reception and preparing the pilgrimage spiritually and
culturally. The Pastoral Care of Youth remains the reference point of this
path. Further information can be found
on www.upgtorino.it, www.sindone.org, www.taizetorino.it
Diocese, August 12, 2020)
Elisabetta Patrizi was born in Rome on March 25, 1941, the last of the four
children of Bernardo Patrizi and Claudia Cavazzi della Somaglia. At six years
of age she gave herself completely to Mary and asked her to be her Mother! She
graduated in journalism from the “Pro Deo” in Rome. She was able to enter the
Carmel of St. Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, in Careggi (Florence) when she was 25.
After 8 years of cloistered life living a very intense contemplative life, the
Lord called her «to evangelize in a new way». Following the order of Card.
Mario Nasalli Rocca, «in obedience to Holy Roman Church», she left Carmel,
always maintaining an intense prayer life... In 1975 she began to collaborate
with Msgr. Giulio Ricci, renowned researcher of the Shroud. In 1976 they
founded together the “Centro Romano di Sindonologia” [= “The Roman Center of
Shroud studies”] and the “Catechisti della Passione” [= “Catechists of the
Passion”], with the approval and encouragement of the Cardinal Vicar Ugo
Poletti. Very soon after, they organized classes and exhibits in various parts
of the world and the Shroud Center in Milwaukee, WI in the USA. She began a
publishing house, “Cuore di Cristo” [= “Heart of Christ”] in Rome and then in
1982 she received a call from God to follow in the footsteps of St. Maximilian
Mary Kolbe and St. Therese of the Child Jesus. In 1983 the first sisters of a
future religious institute began living together. This mustard seed inspired
an ecclesial family: “Franciscan Family of Mary Immaculate” erected in 2017.
Maria Elisabetta, after a very long autoimmune disease of demyelination and
complications with vascular ulcers in the lower limbs, breathed her last
breath on Sunday July 12, 2020 at 3:00pm.
(Her spiritual children, July 14, 2020)
Turin, one billion participants online at the extraordinary exhibition of the
Shroud: “Free us from the pandemic”
Pope Francis' letter opens the ceremony, Bishop Nosiglia prays in front of the
sacred Linen.

“Free us from
the epidemic that is hitting us, so that we can return serene to our usual
occupations and praise you and thank you with a renewed heart. In you we trust
and raise our supplication to you”. It is the invocation of the archbishop of
Turin, Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia, during the extraordinary veneration of the
Holy Shroud, today in the Cathedral of the Piedmont chief town, on the
occasion of the health emergency due to the coronavirus. A ceremony followed,
according to the organizers, by over a billion people around the world.
An unprecedented
ceremony, the extraordinary exhibition on TV and online, which Pope Francis
followed and anticipated with a letter to archbishop Nosiglia and then with a
tweet shortly before 5 pm, time in which the prayer began: “Let's turn our
gaze to the Man of the Shroud, in which we recognize the traits of the Servant
of the Lord, which Jesus realized in his Passion. To participate through the
media to the prayer in front of the Holy Shroud”.
“This Face
disfigured by wounds communicates great peace. His gaze is directed not to our
eyes but to our heart, as if to say: have faith, do not lose hope. The power
of the love of God, the power of the Risen One overcomes all things”.
with this message the veneration of the Shroud started by the archbishop
Nosiglia, in the presence of the mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, and the
presidents of the Region, Alberto Cirio, and the regional Council, Stefano
Allasia. The archbishop, who is papal custodian of the Sacred Linen, in choral
dress and red stole, then moved to the Shroud Chapel, approaching the case for
a brief moment of meditation.
“Almighty and
eternal God, from whom the whole universe receives energy, existence and life
- said Nosiglia - we come to you to invoke your mercy, since today we still
experience the fragility of the human condition in the experience of this
viral pandemic. We believe that you are leading the course of human history
and that your love can change our destiny for the better - he continued -
whatever our human condition may be. For this, we entrust the sick and their
families to you: for the paschal mystery of your Son give them salvation and
“To your love
that does not abandon - continued Nosiglia - we entrust all the deceased of
these days, in every country in the world. Help each member of society to
carry out his task, strengthening the spirit of mutual solidarity. Support the
doctors and health workers, educators and social workers - concluded Nosiglia
- in the fulfillment of their service. You, who are comfort in fatigue and
support in weakness, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and
all the holy doctors and healers, turn away evil from us all”. (La
Repubblica, April 11, 2020)
March 28 Piero Vercelli returned to the Father. Born in Chieri (Turin) in
1939, proven textile expert, business owner and scholar of the Shroud, on
October 8, 1997 he had examined the remaining Shroud fabric (the Reserve)
preserved in the Turin Curia and part of the strip cut on April 21, 1988 for
C14 test. He established the textile characteristics of it that allowed him to
reconstruct and produce a Shroud-like fabric. He presented the result and the
technical data at the Turin Symposium of March 2-5, 2000 and in a detailed
report at the Paris International Congress of April 25-26, 2002. In 2010 he
published "La Sindone nella sua struttura tessile" (The Shroud in its textile
structure), Ed. Effatŕ. He collaborated with many sindonologists in various
studies on this subject. (Aldo Guerreschi, March 31, 2020)
Extraordinary public display of Turin Shroud from December 28, 2020 to
January 1, 2021 for the 43° international meeting of the Taizé Community. (https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2019-12/turin-shroud-public-display-2020-taize.html)